Hester Browne's wonderful new novel, The Honeymoon Hotel, is published today and I'm very excited to be welcoming her to my blog to celebrate! She shares with us her top five places to write:
1. In my study at home
It's my favourite place in the house and was the first room I renovated in the Epic Building Works of 2013. It's got oak floors, deep red limeplastered walls, a Victorian fireplace and fitted bookshelves with all my foreign editions. It can get a bit creaky and spooky in the winter, especially during late-night deadline crises, but I like to think it's the previous residents of the house being curious about how the book I'm writing will finish.
2. At my mum's house up in Cumbria
My parents live on the beach, so I take my dogs for a long walk every day along the sea shore and rehearse dialogue aloud so no one can hear me.
3. In Peter Jones 5th Floor cafe in Sloane Square
It's light, it's airy, it's full of people gossiping, it has wonderful views over Chelsea, extremely good cake, and lovely staff. And when you need a break, you can go and buy imaginary furniture for your imaginary Chelsea townhouse.
4. On any London bus
Not strictly writing, but my favourite way of sparking off some inspiration. People get on and off, they have indiscreet phone conversations, they stagger on with shopping bags or rucksacks, they have their moods written all over their faces. I love getting on a bus and just travelling round and round London, seeing all the sights for the price of a day's travelcard - the city's an inspiration in itself, like watching a film unfold from your bus window. Despite what people think, it's actually quite hard to get lost in London, if you stick to public transport!
5. My friend Chrissie Manby's kitchen table
I finished The Honeymoon Hotel in her kitchen. She turned off the wifi. I was quite surprised how much work I managed to get done.
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Thank you very much Hester for telling me your top 5 places to write! The Honeymoon Hotel is published today by Quercus, so get your copy from Waterstones, Amazon or your own preferred retailer. I thought the novel was utterly delightful and my review will be published on here soon.
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