I may often write about fab book events but it rarely happens I get a much coveted invite to a party thrown by a publisher (usually I am a +1 or it's an event I was able to buy tickets to), so when the invite to the Skin book party arrived, I felt very excited even though I didn't know anything about the novel yet!
I did my research online (aka Googled the book), but wasn't much wiser after that, however Laura (who I invited along) was very excited for the novel plus I'm not one to decline the offer of mingling with fellow book lover and fabulous publishing people, so it really didn't take long for me to make up my mind and decide to go (actual time between reading the email and RSVP-ing? Less than a minute).
And boy am I glad I did.

When the party got started we were first shown a brilliant video by author Ilka Tampke, which single-handedly sold her book to me (as in: I need to read it RIGHT NOW!). She was brilliant to listen to and it only made it more disappointing that she lives all the way in Australia and so couldn't be there herself.
A video was definitely the next best thing though, and the lovely Hodder people have uploaded an abridged version online, which you obviously need to watch asap and then go out and pre-order your copy of Skin!
After the video, many attendees went on to discuss the novel in a spontaneous book group setting, however as Laura and I hadn't read it yet and didn't want to be spoiled we instead chatted to some of the lovely publishers in attendance, such as Lucy (who funnily enough I had met several times when she was still with another publishing company) and Emily. There really is very little as fun as talking to like-minded, passionate book advocates about the novels we love so much.
At the end of the evening we got some great goodie bags as well, which included a beautiful foil-covered hardback copy of Skin. If I wasn't in the middle of another read at the time, I would've started reading it straight away on the train home, it was that tempting!

Thanks so much to Emma for the invite to the party, and everyone at Hodder for making it such a fabulous evening.
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