A Shiver of Snow and Sky has been on my to-read wish list for a very long time and on my to-read shelf for a few months already but since it's not published until October I've been trying to be really good and not read it just yet. It was a hard task but I managed to refrain from cracking the spine until this month and it was definitely worth the wait. Epic and original, it's been a long time since I've been this gripped by a novel.
The story of A Shiver of Snow and Sky takes place on a fairy tale like island called Skane where the Goddess in the sky "speaks" to the islanders through lights in the sky; green means all is fine, blue means a snow storm is afoot, and red... red means danger. 17 years ago, when protagonist Ósa was born, the sky turned red followed by a plague that killed hundreds of people - including Ósa's mother.
Growing up with a father and sister that begrudge her her life, blaming Ósa for her mother's death as – according to them – the pregnancy weakened her, when the skies turn red again Ósa feels it is her mission to face the dangers in the mountain and seek out the Goddess to ask her for help to save her people and earn forgiveness from her family once and for all.
Ósa's journey through other villages, snow fields and finally the treacherous mountains is an incredible adventure, one that reminded me of fantasy epics like The Lord of the Rings, but condensed down into a much more bite-sized novel that was a lot easier to digest than the more intimidating fantasy books out there (I'm looking at you Game of Thrones). And despite plenty of action, it also felt a lot more family-friendly, which is how I prefer my books.
It did take me a little while to warm up to Ósa (ha, see what I did there with the snow-pun?) but once I was able to crack through the protective shell she'd surrounded herself with I really started caring for her and her journey, and was rooting for her to succeed despite the seeming impossibility of the task at hand.
Ósa's brazen hardness was balanced well by the kind and loyal character of Ivar, her friend and one of the few people who believes in her at the start of her mission. In fact, I loved his parts of the novel so much that I wouldn't object to seeing more through his eyes (deleted scenes or a sequel from a different POV perhaps? Are you listening, Lisa? 😉).
With an ethereal quality to the world its set in, A Shiver of Snow and Sky was an excellent fantasy adventure for young adults and adults alike. It was original, epic and with a kick-ass female protagonist at its heart. And combined with its beautifully descriptive written and a highly original fantasy setting, I'm most definitely hooked.

A Shiver of Snow and Sky is published by Scholastic and you can purchase your copy now from Foyles or your own preferred retailer.
Connect with the author:
Twitter: @lisalueddecke
🎵 Listening to: My Chemical Romance – Welcome to the Black Parade
🔹 Mood: Nostalgic

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