Do you need last-minute ghoulish inspiration to Halloweenify your house/bed room/work desk? Then look no further than this super easy bunting tutorial, which in this case has been used for some spooky inspiration for All Hallows' Eve, but can of course quite easily be turned around to fit any other occasion; from Christmas to Autumn and birthdays to just generally wanting to brighten up your home.
I was taught this fun crafting idea by Hannah from Crafternoon Cabaret at the recent Lifestyle and Craft Workshop from Bloggeration, so full credit for this inspired idea goes to her! And the paper plates, wrapping paper and ribbon we used for the bunting was all provided by the lovely people at Zazzle.

You need:
- Themed paper plates
- Themed wrapping paper with big images that are easy to cut out
- Ribbon (themed or in complimentary colour)
- Scissors
- Hole puncher
- Glue (optional, only if you need to make your individual 'flags' more sturdy)

Step-by-step tutorial:
- Cut a paper plate in 6 roughly equal pieces. The best way to do this is to cut it in half first and to then cut each half in 3 pieces to create flag shapes.
- Cut 6 of the large images from your wrapping paper.
- If the wrapping paper is not very sturdy, make these flags stronger by sticking a piece of cardboard (or leftover paper plate) to the back.
- Punch a hole at the top of each of the 6 paper plate pieces and at the top of each of the 6 wrapping paper images. Make sure the hole is on a strong part of each flag and isn't too close to the edge, as that might rip it.
- Cut a piece of ribbon of roughly 200cm/80" off the roll and trail it through your flags, alternating the different patters you've used. If the ribbon is very wide you may have to fold it in half, or cut it in half to make it thinner and fit through the holes.
- And that's it, it's as easy as (pumpkin) pie!
- For longer bunting, double the amounts above
- If you're making larger bunting, use more than two different prints to mix it up a little bit more.
- Swap the Halloween-themed plates, wrapping paper and ribbon for any seasonal or celebratory occasion and you can have your own hand-made bunting for different events all year round!

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