Thursday 18 February 2016


Guest post: the original soundtrack to Break Up Club by Lorelei Mathias

It seems to be the season for blog tours, for me at least, and I am delighted that more publishers are starting to reach out to me with the question if I'd like to participate in them as they're always such as a joy. From giveaways to interviews and special guest content written by authors, there is a whole host of original ways in which I can have a tiny part in helping promote a fabulous new book and today it's with a guest post from Lorelei Mathias, author of Break Up Club (formerly known as Reader, I Dumped Him), in which she shares the original soundtrack for her novel. Enjoy!

The Original Soundtrack to Break Up Club by Lorelei Mathias

I’m thrilled to be introducing the #breakupclub Spotify Playlist - the perfect companion to a reading of Break Up Club.

It's all in there. From when you’re snug as a bug in your relationship (Private Universe), to first doubts (Do I Love You?), to breaking up (Don’t You Forget About Me). Then there are the lows, the pretend-highs, the rage, the Mega-Low points…and finally the mega highs.

Some track choices are ironic – Blunt’s Goodbye My Lover; the psycho-hose-beast anthem You Oughta Know; and Everything is Awesome - which may get on your nerves but I love it for its impervious, won't-be-knocked-down-optimism.

And then, as with all break-ups, you do get knocked down again. Something happens to remind you of them – a sighting, a spasm of F.I.H. (Facebook induced hysteria - see Rule No.8). And just like that, you’re the hermit of the Outer Hebrides again, like old Mendelssohn in his Fingal’s Cave.

Let’s face it, no one could take as long as our Holly to get over someone... For this reason the soundtrack has two Cathartic Weeping Sections. The saddest track? Cut Here by The Cure, which is a beautiful song, and a heart-breaking read! The other weepies are all by The Magnetic Fields, from their 69 Love Songs. Enter that album at your peril!

Then are the ones that sound happy but they’re lying. Like The 6ths' Falling Out of Love With You, which my friend Gaz first got me in to. It's that perplexing combo of euphoric yet melancholic. The tone is happy and gay; the lyrics stick a knife through your heart.

But what goes down soon comes back up! Soon, a couple of Kooks will pull you out of the cave, and you’ll be dancing around like a mad-man all the way to your recovery. See Fig. A, Blister in The Sun – the ultimate ‘I’m over him!’ tune, performed here by the young Claire Danes.

And then there’s Dancing On My Own. There’s only one thing better than sofa-dancing, and that’s dancing round your bedroom with your best friend.

Another high point is You’ve Got the Love, famous from that last scene in Sex and the City where it became the ultimate friendship anthem. It’s also as a hymn to that other great thing that will eventually emerge from the rubble of a break-up – self-love. Yeah! You’ve got the love. You do!

I also had to include Ed Sharpe, whose Home sums up how it feels to be in the warm bosom of the BUC. In fact ‘The Real BUC’ went to see them live. I spoilt the evening by bringing my new (at the time) boyfriend. Whoops.

I can’t go without mentioning the late great Thin White Duke, may he rest in peace. Jumping around in the rain to tracks like Let's Dance and Heroes was a seminal part of our recovery, so make sure to include Bowie in yours.

Which tracks have you laughed, wept or danced to after a break-up? Which songs have saved you? I would love to hear from any readers – or listeners! Or add them to the playlist, here.

Thank you so much for sharing this fab playlist with us, Lorelei! Break Up Club is published by Maze (a HarperCollins imprint) and you can find out more about Lorelei on her website, blog and Twitter page.

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