Stripes (the young adult arm of Little Tiger Press) has had a phenomenal 2017. Not only did they publish the host of stellar reads presented at last year's showcase, but their anthology A Change is Gonna Come, jam-packed with stories and poetry from BAME authors has made an incredible splash in the book industry, and rightfully so. Needless to say, I was very excited to see what they'll have in store for us throughout the first half of 2018!
Funnily enough, after heading to The Coin Laundry just a few days prior for the Walker YA Evening 2018, I found myself back there last Saturday for the Stripes one. Publishing people must really love those mini chicken kiev balls they serve there (and I can't blame them). Joking aside, it was wonderful to be in a room so filled with bookish love and awesome people. And not only did they share a brilliant video with 2017 highlights (which included one of my Tweets, eee!), lots of their authors were there to talk about their stellar 2018 releases, and here are my favs:
(8 March 2018)
Emma's presentation was all about the science behind the possibility of a brain transplant and it sounded super fascinating (albeit a bit creepy, not going to lie). A few decades ago this may have been too sci-fi still to sound realistic, but in an age of AI and robotics I'm not so sure. I'm very keen to see how she explores the themes further in her novel and the way it impacts on the main character's life beyond the medical side. I mean if suddenly your entire body – including your face – has changed, how does it affect you as a person? And the reactions from those around you? A very intriguing concept.
Okay, #SheMyselfAndI by @EmmaELYoung is now my most anticipated read from @StripesBooks' 2018 list! It sounds like a modern day teen Frankenstein, so cool 😱 #ShowYAStripes pic.twitter.com/Cu1sF43jE1— Zarina ❄️ (@zarinatweets) January 20, 2018
(5 April 2018)
I actually know very little about this book, but doesn't the cover look delightful? Next time I'm in the mood for a fun contemporary novel delving into the challenges of growing up (boyfriends, parents, siblings and school), this is the one I want dig into.
#GirlThursday by @joannanadin sounds like a super fun and quirky contemporary teen read, and the cover is BRAND new so feast your eyes on it! 😍 #ShowYAStripes @StripesBooks pic.twitter.com/j1tYV4BRTO— Zarina ❄️ (@zarinatweets) January 20, 2018
(5 April 2018)
I feel I've been permanently scarred by the Point Horror books I devoured as an early teen (I still believe the gruesomely detailed Cheerleader series is the most terrifying fictional story I've ever heard and I am not ashamed to admit that I had to keep the lights on the night I finished that one), and yet Savage Island sounds awesome and I REALLY want to read it! Taking the relatively new concept of geocaching to a fictional setting (find a hidden box, take what's inside and replace it with something of equal value) it places a group of teens on an island, all playing a dangerous – perhaps even deadly – game for a major cash prize...
A new horror in the #RedEye series is on the horizon, #SavageIsland by @BryonyPearce! "Lord of the Flies meets Love Island meets The Apprentice", dun dun dun... #ShowYAStripes @StripesBooks pic.twitter.com/I89mTvSDSe— Zarina ❄️ (@zarinatweets) January 20, 2018
(3 May 2018)
Again this is one I know very little about (should I have been paying more attention to the presentations, rather than trying to live-Tweet on a continuously crashing phone? Probably.), but Katy was such a delight to listen to and I remember that last year When We Ran was one of my most anticipated reads from the showcase, so this sounds like another good 'un. Also, hilariously, a few of the audience members played a scripted 90s inspired Blind Date game where the girl had to choose between Romeo Montague, Draco Malfoy and Edward Cullen and it was loltastic!
#HowToWriteALoveStory by @KatyJoCannon combines all the elements of what she's good at as an author because besides YA she also writes adult romance fiction! #ShowYAStripes @StripesBooks pic.twitter.com/Z6ONrjZnSk— Zarina ❄️ (@zarinatweets) January 20, 2018
(12 July 2018)
Focusing on a girl who can remember everything, from fleeting conversations she had with people ages ago to the placement of items in her room, this book poses a lot of interesting questions. For example: if you can't forget about negative things that have been said, how can you ever forgive someone? I'm really excited to explore this in more detail.
#TheTruthAboutLies is @TracyDarnton's debut after winning @StripesBooks' short story competition. It's thriller set on a quirky boarding school in Dartmoor and the protagonist remembers EVERYTHING 😱 #ShowYAStripes pic.twitter.com/hdg3mBUxJh— Zarina ❄️ (@zarinatweets) January 20, 2018
Thank you so much to the lovely team at Stripes for inviting me to their amazing bookish bash, I can't wait to devour ALL of your 2018 books! ♥

🎵 Listening to: Hamilton – My Shot
🔹 Mood: Cold

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