Sunday 22 September 2013


Sunday post #11

Sunday is when I sit back with a lovely cup of tea and write about all the wonderful new books I've received and purchased in the past week. This post participates in fab memes Showcase Sunday and Stacking the Shelves.

A Gift to Remember by Melissa Hill (review copy)

I didn't buy any books this week (after my splurge last week!) nor did I receive many in the post, but that was okay. I cleaned some more shelves in my room so I could put books on it (they are gathering in piles all around the place) and while doing so I came across so many books in my possession still unread - hopefully I get a chance to pick them up soon, rather than buying/receiving more!

I did get a STUNNING copy of Melissa Hill's A Gift to Remember in the post from Simon & Schuster which I can't wait to start reading soon. And how gorgeous is the bag it came in? It made this truly a gift to remember.

Hope you all had a brilliant bookish week ♥


  1. Anonymous22/9/13 10:40

    Ahhh I got this too! I wasn't sure what it was because the parcel was HUGE but ohmy it is SUCH a gorgeous book....and the matching bag is beautiful!

    I hope you have a successful week of reading!

    Happy Sunday hun!

    Megan xxxx

    My Showcase Sunday if you'd like a look :)

    1. Thanks, Megan! I'd already seen a Tweet about the bags before it arrived so I was expecting it but that didn't make it any less pretty :) xx

  2. That cover is really nice. It seems Simon & Shuster sent it to a few other people who do a Sunday post~ It'll be fun to see how all y'all like it! I don't think I've read anything by Melissa Hill...

    1. I haven't read anything by her yet either, but the blurb for this one sounds really interesting and I cannot wait to start reading it!

  3. Sometimes it's good to have a quiet week and sort out the stuff you've already got. I know my quiet week two weeks ago was a good one.

    Here's my round-up of the week.


    1. Absolutely, oftentimes my to-read pile is overwhelming enough that I really shouldn't be adding more (though that doesn't change the fact that I always LOVE getting unexpected book post anyway).

  4. Woww that is such a nice book cover and bag!!! I've just requested this book, I hope mine comes just as nicely ;P hehe

    Here's my SS :)

    Laura @ What's Hot?

    1. Fingers crossed you get it in a pretty bag too :)

  5. Ohhh, I love A Gift to Remember's cover! I haven't heard of it, so I'll check that one out. Happy reading. :)

    Heres my StS

    -New GFC follower.

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

    1. I know, the cover is just STUNNING! And the blurb sounds really interesting too, I'd recommend it just from that :)

  6. Melissa Hill is a huge author at my work so I love the cover like everyone else. Its soooo pweeety! Hehe! Have a lovely week!

    Here's my SS

    1. Oh that's brilliant! To be honest I haven't read anything by her before but I have a feeling that's going to change quickly :)


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