Monday 2 February 2015


Pan Macmillan's Women's Fiction Evening

2015 has only just begun and already I've attended one of the best bookish evenings of the year! Thanks to lovely Laura (that is her official name now), I had the opportunity to go to Pan Macmillan's Women's Fiction event at the lush Oxo Tower on London's South Bank. It's one of those magnificent locations I've always wanted to visit and the view at night over the Thames was even more impressive than I could've possibly imagined (though we did only appreciate it briefly, as we got far too distracted by awesome people, food and drinks when the party got going!).

Laura and I arrived quite early, when it was still reasonably quiet, so while enjoying our first (and not last!) glass of Prosecco we had a wander through the room to admire the amazing view as well as all the gorgeous Pan Mac books on display. I ooh-ed and aah-ed over seeing the orange Station Eleven paperback (I'm even contemplating getting a copy, despite already owning the proof and hardback!) and there was major gushing when I first spotted proofs of Kirsty Greenwood's The Vintage Guide to Love and Romance, which is not out until April! I may or may not (I did) have stroked its beautiful cover upon first laying eyes on it. And eh... one copy 'miraculously' found its way into my handbag.

While visiting the Oxo Tower was a treat in its own right, it was made even better by the astonishing amount of amazing authors and publishers who were in attendance. The evening was a who's who of the book publishing industry – and I got to chat to the likes of Kirsty Greenwod (squee!), Miranda Dickinson (more squeeing!), Cesca Major (let's just say there was a lot of squeeing), Hannah Beckerman, Claire Sandy, Debbie Howells, Catharina Ingleman-Sundberg and Pan Mac-cers Sam and Natasha. There were heaps more fabulous people in attendance which I didn't even get a chance to speak to, but basically everywhere I looked there were authors I admire. Even after having met lots of fantastic writers in recent years, I did feel a bit starstruck being in such brilliant company, but in between endless gushing I did manage to talk to some of my favourites authors about their wonderful books.

Also, the canapes were delicious; from the mini fish and chips and tomato/mozzarella bites to the mini hotdogs. Mini. Hot dogs!

In all it was an amazing night and I am super chuffed I had a chance to be a part of it thanks to Laura. And of course many thanks are also due to Pan Mac for organising the event and to all the lovely people I had a chance to chat to, for indulging me in my bookish fangirling.

The amazing view on my walk along the South Bank to the Oxo Tower

The fab tote bag we got on our way, which included a lip balm, a SUPER cute Lucy Diamond bookmark and a colouring book (the Kirsty Greenwood novel is the one that 'found' its way into my handbag...)

Some more books from the goodie bag (including a gorgeous purple notebook!) and a few I picked up on the way out

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