Swedish stationery brand kiki-K is a blogger's dream. Adorned with gold accents, polka dot detailing and pastel colours, the ranges are not only right up this stationery lover's street, but they also make a gorgeous addition to any Instagram or blog photo. What I love most about the brand though are the empowering messages on their products and the thought that goes into helping people dream, do, enjoy and share. And these principles come straight from kiki-K founder Kristina Karlsson, who at an event in London last week shared her inspiring story to making kiki-K the success it is today.

The event took place just around the corner from the Covent Garden store, and we were welcomed with a glass of sparkling Prosecco and scrumptious mini cinnamon buns, as well as a beautiful kiki-K notebook and pen on our chairs to help us take notes during the evening. Presecco and notebooks are two of my favourite things, so the night was off to a good start!

There were a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs in the audience hoping to learn the secret to Kristina's business success, and much of what she spoke about that evening was related to setting up the kiki-K brand and sharing insights into how she grew her dream into the global success it is today. However, that doesn't mean that her talk wasn't interesting to stationery lovers like me who have no interest in setting up a business, as a lot of Kristina's advice was translatable into general life advice, starting with her 'ten pillars'.

Kristina Karlsson's ten pillars:
1. Dream
2. Passion (do what you love)
3. Purpose (consider what gets you out of bed in the morning and why)
4. Have a vision
5. Never take no for an answer (if you want to make it happen there is always a way)
6. Find mentors that have different skills (always look for a win/win where you can help them too)
7. Build a great team and also delegate and outsource things you don't enjoy and take energy from your day
8. Be a life-long learner (go to seminars, read a lot of books, listen to podcasts, etc.)
9. Enjoy the journey (this can be through small things such having a coffee or walking in nature, and do it every day)
10. Share (there is always someone who needs help, think about what you can do and share)

The ten pillars have helped Kristina build her business into the success it is today, and alongside it she also lives by five life rules that I found particularly inspiring, and have helped kick me into gear to make some of my own long-term dreams a reality.

Kristina Karlsson's five life lessons:
1. Get up early (Kristina has what she calls a holy hour in the morning, which is time purely for herself)
2. Look at your habits (is there something you want to remove to live a healthier life?)
3. Surround yourself with great people (you are who you hang with, so find people who are like-minded)
4. Set goals (dreams don't make themselves happen, so don't set them and then forgot about them. Instead look at them every day and make actions around them)
5. Take notes (there is so much that gets forgotten otherwise)

After her inspiring talk, Kristina set us the task to write down our own hopes and dreams in three minutes, and my list varies from buying my own home to travelling more and, if money was no objection, to focus full-time on creating content around things I'm truly passionate about, while also spending more time with my family and volunteering for a charity. My list is much longer than that, of course, and some things are unfortunately definitely not achievable in the short-term, however, I've been inspired to take action on those parts of my dreams-list I can make first steps with now as Kristina rightfully said: "You can plan and think and wait, but you just need to start and make it happen".

It's very easy to procrastinate and wait for the right time when it comes to making big dreams a reality, but truth be told there might not ever be a right time – and what if you never take that first step and your dream will always stay just that, a dream? I've certainly been empowered by Kristina to turn some of my dreams into reality!

kiki-K Covent Garden is located just opposite the tube station on 5-6 James Street, London WC2E 8BT.

🎵 Listening to: McFly – Love Is Easy
🔹 Mood: Inspired

I really wish I had gone now :(
ReplyDeleteAwww, we'll go together a next time!